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Good Reading -- October 2015 (part 2)

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  • America's Bank: The Epic Struggle to Create the Federal Reserve -- I've mentioned this book before, and it has finally arrived. Not that anyone would need any more inducement to read it, but here's a note from the author himself with multiple endorsements.

  • “Dear Friends: I wanted to let you know of the forthcoming (Oct. 20) publication of my new book, “America’s Bank: The Epic Struggle to Create the Federal Reserve,” by the Penguin Press. Alan Blinder has called it “a page turner;” Publisher's Weekly has called it “superb and captivating,” and Ben Bernanke has called it “a highly engaging historical account.” And the current Fortune calls it "a gripping tale with a trove of vivid characters.” For more information or to pre-order, go to And thank you!”

  • A glowing review by Bob Rubin

  • ​​My two cents: If you like history and great writing, this is the book for you. It is a tough subject and very few writers could make this subject so engaging and accessible, but Lowenstein handles it with his usual excellence. I also think this book should be required reading for anyone who walks to opine/discuss/complain about current Fed policy -- the history of the Fed is both fascinating and instructive. Highly recommended.

Facts and Figures (thanks to Craig for passing this along)


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