Good Reading -- September 2012
Facts and Figures Yields on U.S. speculative-grade notes have fallen to 6.29 percent, 1 basis point less than a measure of what’s being...
Good Reading -- August 2012
Facts and Figures The 100 largest U.S. corporate pensions have an aggregate funding deficit of $486bn, an increase of $186bn in the...
Good Reading -- June 2012 (part 2)
Quoted "Former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said the U.S. will emerge relatively unharmed from the debt crisis in Europe as efforts...
Good Reading -- April 2011
----------------- Quoted Kerry Killinger, CEO of Washington Mutual, in internal memos to his chief risk officer: (2005): "I have never...
Good Reading -- February 2011
Quoted I'm having a good time reading the Financial Crisis Inquiry Report, but unfortunately that's because I have a perverse sense of...
Good Reading -- July 2010 (part 2)
Welcome to the Education/Bill Gates/Buffett Succession Edition... Buffett Succession Following up on the speculation in the last email,...